Ottawa Direct Purchase Program - Programme d’achats directs d’Ottawa

So happy that “Manes” will be part of the City of Ottawa art collection.
Congratulations to Natalie Bruvels and Kristina Corre and thank you Studio Sixty Six for the support.

Si heureuse que “Crinières” fasse partie de la Collection d’art de la ville d’Ottawa.
Félicitations à Natalie Bruvels et Kristina Corre et merci Studio Sixty Six pour le support. 

Studio Sixty Six  

We are very excited to announce our 3 artists who’s work was selected by the direct purchase program. 
Kristina Corre - On and On and On 
Natalie Bruvels - Hopping Croakers
Laurence Finet - Mane - Crinière

Congratulations artists!!!
@kristinasees @nbruvels @laurencejjfinet

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